
Mathematical modeling homer energy
Mathematical modeling homer energy

Introduction of IRES in rural communities has many socio-economic implications. Results obtained from MATLAB clearly show that the available resources can fulfill the demand of the rural areas. Optimization of the utilization of resources for several needs is performed. Hence an optimization program based on the need-resource modeling of IRES is performed in MATLAB. HOMER optimizes configuration for electrical demand only and does not consider other demands such as biogas for cooking and water for domestic and irrigation purposes.

#Mathematical modeling homer energy software

IRES is cost optimized for electricity demand using HOMER software that is developed by the NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory). Fixed resources such as biogas and water are used in prioritized order whereas movable resources such as wind and solar can be used simultaneously for different priorities. Modeling of IRES on the basis of need to resource and resource to need matching is pursued to help in optimum use of resources for the needs. A discussion of the size of water reservoir required is also presented.

mathematical modeling homer energy

Mathematical models for key components of IRES such as biogas generator, hydropower generator, wind turbine, PV system and battery banks are developed. A remote rural area with a population of 700 in 120 households and 450 cattle is considered as an example for cost analysis and optimization. Modeling and optimization of IRES for a selected study area makes IRES more advantageous when compared to hybrid concepts. The resource- need matching, which is the basis for IRES makes it possible to provide energy in an efficient and cost effective manner. IRES is an effective and a viable strategy that can be employed to harness renewable energy resources to energize remote rural areas of developing countries. The purpose of this study was to cost optimize electrical part of IRES (Integrated Renewable Energy Systems) using HOMER and maximize the utilization of resources using MATLAB programming. Cosmic acceleration, inflation, dark matter, and dark 'energy' in one neat package.Quantum effects from a purely geometrical relativity theory, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.Space-time-time: Five-dimensional Kaluza-Weyl space.Time, the grand illusion, Foundations of Physics.

mathematical modeling homer energy

  • Ether flow through a drainhole: A particle model in general relativity, J.
  • The program has produced among others the following striking results:Ī 'drainhole' model of a gravitating particle better than the rather pathological 'black hole' model.Ī five-dimensional unified field theory able to model qualitatively (and quantitatively to an extent not yet fully explored) many of the phenomena thought to be explainable only by quantum theory.Ī replacement for the standard cosmological model which fits well the observational data and almost effortlessly provides a unified explanation for inflation, acceleration, dark matter, and 'dark energy'. All dimensions beyond the three dimensions of space (the time dimension in space-time, for one) are to be found inherent in the geometry of space. By 'space' I mean three-dimensional space described by differential geometry, the geometry of Riemann in particular. The long-standing primary goal of my research is to explain as many as possible of the phenomena of physics as hidden properties of space brought to light by careful examination of its geometry. Relativity Theory, Differential Geometry, Mathematical Physics.

    Mathematical modeling homer energy